Thursday, January 24, 2008

An Introduction

As touched-upon in my other "main" blog, this blog is the site where I will expand on the ideas that I've laid out in my thesis for an MA in journalism at Ohio University. The purpose of this site is to not only share my findings and the progress of my research with those who may find it interesting, but also help keep me on track – some aspects of my research have proved extremely daunting and I think it may prove helpful to elicit discussion on those facets that seem hard to surmount.

Initially, this blog will serve as a clearinghouse for the literature that I've read, reviewed and cited in my preliminary research. Some of the works that I've had the pleasure to read should be read by more people -- and any chance I can get to promote a work that has proved as valuable to me and my research I will take. I've dived into books by Michael Pollan, Eleanor Agnew, Wendell Berry, among others, and while the output of those writers, or at least the works that I've read, are less about the mechanics of farming and more the philosophical aspect of agriculture, they, in addition to a whole slew of academic treatises, have given my research a full and sturdy backbone from which to hang.

So, stay tuned; I'll upload some material and notes over the weekend to spur on this blog.